5 Tips To Protect Your Feet From Sun Damage

If you live in the Denver area, you know the warnings about sun exposure. Not only do we get a lot of sun in Colorado, the higher altitude makes it more intense (thinner atmosphere screens out fewer harmful rays). Recent studies point out that melanoma is on the rise, especially among younger people. Even worse, when this type of skin cancer happens in your feet, your chance of survival can be as low as 50-50. That’s because it is often not caught there as quickly as it is elsewhere on your body. How can you protect your feet from sun damage? Here are a few tips:

One final tip: if you notice any cancer signs, no matter how small, don’t hesitate to call the foot specialists at Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle Center in the west Denver area. You can reach both our Wheat Ridge and Golden offices by dialing (303) 423-2520, and use that number for our locations in Evergreen and Granby as well (limited hours). You can also request an appointment online. Here’s to staying safe in the summer sun!

Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle Center

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