My Plantar Warts Are Painful: Can You Help?

My Plantar Warts Are Painful: Can You Help?

Plantar warts are common and appear on the feet. While they might initially seem harmless, they can create significant pain, discomfort, and difficulty walking or standing. 

If your plantar warts are causing pain, there are treatment options.

At Rocky Mountain Foot & Ankle Center, we offer treatments for plantar warts. Our expert providers are here to help you with foot pain.

The lowdown on plantar warts

Plantar warts are common and caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). During childhood, they often resolve on their own. But in adults, they usually require treatment.

Common ways of contracting plantar warts include walking barefoot in a public pool or shower, sharing shoes, socks, or towels with someone with plantar warts, or touching your foot to a plantar wart that may be on another part of your body. 

These warts usually look white or lighter than the skin of your foot and appear as rough calluses. They occur near the bottom of the toes or on the heel or ball of the foot. The middle of the wart will sometimes be black, indicating broken blood vessels. 

Why plantar warts sometimes hurt 

If your plantar warts are recent, they might not hurt. But if you’ve had them for a while, they may cause pain. 

Why is this?

Most people with plantar warts stand, walk, run, and perform regular activities that require using their feet. The pressure on the warts causes them to flatten and press back into the skin. This becomes painful when calluses form. 

How we can help 

Fortunately, we can help with your pain. We can eliminate the warts, although they might return over time. But the treatments for plantar warts ensure you are no longer in pain. 

Plantar warts are treated with cryotherapy (a treatment that uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the wart off), topical prescription medications, or electrodesiccation, which uses an electric needle to remove the wart. There is no one tried-and-true method, so treating plantar warts can take time. We’ll help you find the best procedure. 

Recovery might take a few days or as long as a few weeks. You’ll need to take it easy while the treatment site is healing. But afterward, you’ll be free from plantar wart pain. 

You don’t need to live in pain

Plantar warts are often mild. But for some people, they cause extreme discomfort. If this is you, get help today. 

Make an appointment at one of our Colorado clinics. Call or book an appointment online at your convenience. We’re here to help!

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