Sesamoiditis: Will Orthotics Help?

Sesamoiditis: Will Orthotics Help?

It’s hard to overstate the importance of your feet and your ability to get around during the day. They take on the brunt of your body weight, which often leads to some discomfort after a long day. 

However, if your pain persists and is located at the ball of your foot, it could be due to a condition that’s known as sesamoiditis. 

At Rocky Mountain Foot and Ankle, our team is led by three podiatry specialists, who are experts in many different conditions that may affect your feet or ankles. They offer treatments like orthotics to ease the pain in your feet.

What is sesamoiditis?

Your sesamoid bones are bones that don’t connect to other bones; they’re either set in your muscle or connected to your tendons. For instance, your kneecap is a sesamoid bone because it’s not attached to other bones. In your foot, you have two sesamoid bones on either side that lie underneath your foot.

Although the sesamoid bones in your foot are very tiny, that doesn’t keep them from getting hurt or causing you pain. These bones can become inflamed, which often causes pain and discomfort in the ball of your foot. 

There are other symptoms as well, including:

Sesamoiditis often occurs due to overuse of the balls of your feet. If you’re a dancer, runner, or you just like to wear high heels a lot, to give a few examples, you’re at a higher risk for this condition.

Understanding orthotics

Orthotics are devices that are worn either on your feet or ankles to provide not only improved support, but pain relief as well. Orthotics can be customized by our team or purchased over-the-counter.

Over-the-counter orthotics are known better as insoles or shoe inserts. These have a generic fit, and generally don’t last as long as custom orthotics. They’re normally made of either gel or foam, and provide extra arch support and comfort in your shoes.

Custom orthotics are made specifically for your feet, which not only helps with support, but also in dealing with certain conditions such as diabetes and neuropathy. They can also help with a number of other foot problems as well, including:

Custom orthotics help you when these conditions affect the way you walk or run. They’re also able to help you avoid surgery in some cases. 

Are orthotics the answer to your pain?

There are a lot of measures you can take to tame the pain related to sesamoiditis. If you’re having pain, our team recommends a number of different therapies, including custom orthotics.

So how do orthotics address the pain of sesamoiditis? The pain from this condition usually affects the area under your big toe at the ball of your foot. Orthotics provide extra cushioning in that specific area of your foot.

If your sesamoiditis is considered mild, you might be fine by getting over-the-counter orthotic shoe inserts to give you the support you need. These can include padded insoles or inserts that fit right into your shoes.

However, if your sesamoiditis is more severe, it’s a better choice to get custom orthotics. These orthotics not only give you the cushioning you need, but can also help to correct the condition as well. 

They’re either accommodative or functional, meaning they either provide support to areas that are causing pain, or take the weight off of an area where pressure is heavy.

Our doctors assess the severity of your sesamoiditis to determine the best treatment option for you. Custom orthotics are a great way to relieve your pain and avoid surgical repair of this condition.

If you’re tired of your feet hurting day after day, don’t hesitate to call one of our conveniently located offices in Wheat Ridge, Granby, Thornton, or Evergreen, Colorado, at 303-423-2520 to schedule a consultation. You can also request an appointment online using our handy booking tool.

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